Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Cambridge Diet - Day 1

My first day on the cambridge diet is nearly over and i have to say that i think it has gone really well. I stuck to my 3 sachets with no cheating and i had about 3 pints and 8 oz of water, so nearly 4 pints there.

The only crap thing about today was the horrible sick feeling i got when trying to drink my milkshakes/soups. I found it difficult to finish them because i kept feeling sick and nearly puked a few times. The only way i could have them was to alternate sips of milkshake/soup with water. Because of this i got through about a pint of water at each meal, which i guess is a bonus as it made drinking more water alot easier.

I think the sick feeling may have been due to the concentrated minerals and vitamins in the diet. I guess my body aint used to getting all its nutrients. I am hoping this was the cause and that i will be better in a few days. Otherwise this diet is going to be a real struggle if it tastes nasty. I'm not really looking forward to tmrws sachets, but i will be glad when day 2 is over.

I didnt do much else today. Went shopping and got a new handheld blender thing and then revised loads. I felt ok today, I had no problems concentrating and only had alilttle headache at about 9ish. I just plan to drink lots of water to keep the side effects away.

I hope the rest of the week goes well. I am not looking forward to the carb withdrawal symptoms and me turning into a complete bitch as the diet affects my mood. I have given plenty of warning to those around me tho, so hopefully i won't cause too much damage.

So today i had:

Chocolate milkshake (9a.m) - felt really sick
Vanilla milkshake (1:20p.mish) - was nicer then i expected
Vegetable soup (7:30pm) - could not finish it all, almost made me throw up

+ 3 pints 8 oz

I also got a disposable camera today to take photos every week to see how my body changes. I might post them on here but i'l probably do it at the end of my programmme when i'm looking gorjus ;) and not so embarrassed about my how i look now.

Anyway, i think i'm going to have an early night, i feel abit tired. I will try find some time to post again tomorrow!

Good Night xxxx

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