Saturday 12 May 2007

Cambridge Diet - Day 18

I'm going to make this quick because i am very tired and i have a headache. I really want to go to bed. Anyway, today has been boring. I woke up very late and so didn't start my sachets/meal bar until afternoon time. I also had to get in as much water as possible. I managed 4 litres which is pretty good. I also wanted to do some exercise today but i didn't get the time. I spent most of the day doing college work and university applications. I so cant wait to finish college next month :)

Today i have had:
Chocolate milkshake ( about 12pmish)
Peanut Choc Bar (from 2:30pmish)
Choc Mint milkshake (about 9pmish)

+ 4 litres of water.

I'm going to try and get up earlier tomorrow and get more water in and have my meals before 7pm. I also have to do some exercise.

I was feeling abit low today because i keep thinking i will be having low losses for weeks to come. I know that is wrong of me to think but i really want to lose a stone a month and have Sole Source over before i start university in September. I will need food to concentrate on my studies. I also really want to lose more weight sooner because i want to feel comfortable to go to the gym and do more aerobics/spinning classes, so basically i am just getting impatient, lol.

So to feel better i have been looking at before and after pictures of the contestants from 'The Biggest Loser' (USA). I find their weightloss so motivational and inspiring. It makes me cry sometimes because it is such an emotional journey to lose weight and you know exactly what they have gone through, all the feelings and emotions. You also feel so proud of them for reaching their goals. I really like how they get there bodies all toned and work on muscle definition as well as weight loss. I really want to lose my weight and then start toning up, especially my arms. I really want an athletic body.

Anyway, I'm going to bed now. I am starting to feel hungry. Goodnight xx :)

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