Sunday 6 May 2007

Cambridge DIet - Days 10/11/12

I really haven't had much time to blog recently. I have been busy with things at home and college work and i have also been falling asleep early. The diet does make you really tired. So i'll fill you in now.

Friday: Went well. I was at college most of the day so the day past pretty quick. I did have to keep rushing to the loo though which is really annoying me now because everyone thinks i'm wierd. But i dont mind that much because soon i will super slim. I had the same three shakes as i always do ( they are the only ones i like) but i had my last one late again, as usual. I also managed 3 litres of water, which i was happy with.

Saturday: Super busy today. Family had a wedding to go to so there was alot of helping with getting ready, hair, make-up, clothes etc. I didnt go though. I haven't been to a wedding in along time, especially since gaining weight. We also had visitors round which kept us busy for a while. But the evening was nice. We just chilled out and then i cooked for my brothers and sisters which i really enjoyed. It takes the hunger and cravings away. I also managed 3.5 litres yesterday too :)

Today: It has gone ok so far. Woke up late so had my milshake late. I also found another reason for why i feel like eating emotionally so i will be noting that in my food mood diary :). I have been a little worried this morning because i keep getting chest pains and i dont know if its because of SSing. I am hoping that they will pass and i can continue with SS because i am coping well with it. If i have to, i thought i will move upto the 790 plan. I am going to let my CDC know about the pains and see my GP if i have too.

Anyway, i have to go because i have to do the housework and then maybe go shopping for a swimming costume because i want to start swimming. I have had 1.5 litres so far today and hope to drink at least 3 litres.


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